Asher is six months old...
Yep, already HALF year!
I have no idea how I let time get away from me, but I wouldn't change it! He is so fun and smiley I just can't get enough of him!
6 month stats:
Height - 27 1/4 in. - 75%
Weight - 17 lbs 5 oz - 50%
Head Circ. - 43 3/4 - 50%
This little boy brings so much joy into our lives. He is more and more like me every day. I swear if he was any more like me he would BE me! He is sitting up for a good amount of time before tipping over, starting to scoot around and rolling all over. I'm sure pretty soon he will be moving all over the house. He snorts when he laughs, scrunches his nose and furrows his eyebrows when he's excited, grabs his ears when he is scared, and makes mom and dad laugh all day! He is such a sweet baby!
*Six month and family pictures to come when I'm at my own house!